Monday, 30 April 2012

Dave White

Let the colours run by themselves!

Such a great piece of art...Here's what I found online randomly from some cool hunting blogs...
The above are three animal portraits painted by British Contemporary Art artist Dave White.
The way he moves his brush according the appropriate movements of the particular animal fascinates me.... Colours have created free movements for the animal and the painting itself.

Image Credits:

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Project 2

* Due to the limitation of Blogger, all the images here have been down-sized in order to fit its requirement.  Thus they are not in the actual scale!

Some photos of the model

This is how I started with the examination of the proportion system of windows through different readings, colourings, sketches and calculations.

This is where I began with my watercolour drawing on the perspective section showing the normal activities, colours and materials in Villa Muller.